About Habitation
Until the whole earth becomes His habitation
Our mission is to call a generation to the Psalm 132 vow of ministering to the Lord – until the whole earth becomes the Lord’s habitation.
Who We Are
We believe there’s coming a generation unlike any this world has ever seen. A people so infatuated with the Presence of God that they don’t desire anything else; He has truly become their One thing. They’ve become students of His Presence and seek after His coming.
These are they that worship Him until He comes and when He comes their hearts sing, “You will forever be enough.” These are they that don’t simply want visitations but they long for the Habitation of God on the earth. These are they with clean hands and pure hearts who’ve learned that as they go lower, they ascend higher. They are faceless, seeking the glory of His face only. They are nameless, seeking His name only. Through them, He is rebuilding the Tabernacle of David. It’s not polished, it’s not dignified – nor the most eloquent – but it’s the one that provokes the Lord to come.
Our Mandate —
We plant churches that prioritize wholehearted ministry to the Lord.
We develop leaders through our School of Habitation
We cultivate hearts after His Presence through habitation nights & conferences
We strengthen pastors and leaders through Houses of Habitation Network.
We raise up a generation into ministry to Him through Habitation Worship.
William and Emily Hinn
William & Emily Hinn birthed Risen Nation Church in Dallas, TX. Their hearts are to see a generation fall deeply in love with Jesus and to become students of His presence.
Their desire is to see the fulfillment of Acts 15:16, the rebuilding of David’s Tabernacle. Their greatest passion is ministering to the Lord through worship, and they are longing to see a people become a dwelling place for the Lord.
William has been serving in ministry since 2012, traveling extensively as an itinerant while still serving as a Senior Pastor. He is also the founder of Habitation Ministries and the School of Habitation.
"Lord, remember David and all his afflictions; How he swore to the Lord, and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob: "Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house, or go up to the comfort of my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob."
Psalms 132:1-5
Ways to get involved
Pray for pastors and ministry leaders around the world — that they raise up a generation whose aim is — first and foremost — ministry to Him.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram via @habitation_ministries to stay updated on how God is moving through the ministry.
Join Us
Be part of an upcoming event, join us on a future team ministry trip, or click here to express connect with our Houses of Habitation team.
Tell your friends, pastors, and leaders about Habitation Ministries by sharing this website or our social media links with them.